Max's Scooter Page

1957 TWN Contessas

last updated 6/16/2022

Your comments are always welcome. Send me email!

Part TWO. Toward running; Dreieinigkeit.

November 22, 2021

"Dreieinigkeit" is German for "three one-ness," or, in the case of these TWN Contessas, the process of making one scooter from three. There is a "Scoot Three" now.

The unholy trinity is in the garage. Scoot Three came from, as ever, a tip from Jay H.! He referred to himself as "Jay the Enabler" in his message about the find. Hah! I appreciate your "enabling," Jay! The red-flag decision point of the "sunk cost fallacy" is far behind me. I'm rolling with "sunk cost momentum."

Facebook ad for the "Confederate contesta," shortly after I got the thing.

Scoot Three is nicer than both One and Two, with an engine that turns, gear shifting and brakes that work. Missing some parts, and in pieces, and the clutch won't release (though that's a standard condition - three for three on that). As far as I can tell, all that stands between me and riding is labor. No more parts needed. Disassembly is done, Part 2 is about putting one bike together. And, by the way, having a roller of moderate condition (Scoot One, mostly) to make an electric.



June 16, 2022.

To make space for summer projects, all three of the countesses are put away in a crate up the back. "The Ark of the Contessas." I look forward to getting back to all of them! First things first, though. (Or, 233rd thing 233rd, or something. I have a lot of projects.)

I have to add 6 hours for crate building and stuffing. It counts in the overall project. Turns out that's about 15% of the time spent! Note the I haven't put up time traveling to far-flung places to *fetch up* any of these scooters.

(6 hr, 40 hr total.)

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